public administrations

Biolake at Salus Space


biolakes and biopools

100 m2

EPDM cloth
Inert substrate
Water and marsh plants

Design and creation


We have decided to realize a biolake with a capacity of 50 cubic meters inside the 100 square meters garden of Salus Space. This aquatic ecosystem is perfectly integrated within the environment while enriching it with biodiversity. The biolake helps bees and other insects nourish themselves thanks to the marsh plants before going back to chasing flowers and insects inside the garden.

The lake is equipped with two recirculation pumps: the first brings water from the bottom to the four areas of phytodepuration and regeneration. The other pump serves to generate water games and oxygenate.

It is also possible to catch a glimpse of goldfish, medakas, and koi carp nibbling on algae on the edges or hunting insects.